
Almost all of gomplate’s utility is provided as functions. These are key words that perform some action.

For example, the base64.Encode function will encode some input string as a base-64 string:

The word is {{ base64.Encode "swordfish" }}

renders as:

The word is c3dvcmRmaXNo


Go’s text/template language provides a number of built-in functions, operators, and actions that can be used in templates.

Built-in functions

Here is a list of the built-in functions, but see the documentation for full details:

  • and, or, not: Returns boolean AND/OR/NOT of the argument(s).
  • call: Returns the result of calling a function argument.
  • html, js, urlquery: Safely escapes input for inclusion in HTML, JavaScript, and URL query strings.
  • index: Returns the referenced element of an array/slice, string, or map. See also Arrays and Maps.
  • len: Returns the length of the argument.
  • print, printf, println: Aliases for Go’s fmt.Print, fmt.Printf, and fmt.Println functions. See the format documentation for details on printf’s format syntax.


And the following comparison operators are also supported:

  • eq: Equal (==)
  • ne: Not-equal (!=)
  • lt: Less than (<)
  • le: Less than or equal to (<=)
  • gt: Greater than (>)
  • ge: Greater than or equal to (>=)


There are also a few actions, which are used for control flow and other purposes. See the documentation for details on these:

  • if/else/else if: Conditional control flow.
  • with/else: Conditional execution with assignment.
  • range: Looping control flow. See discussion in the Arrays and Maps sections.
    • break: The innermost range loop is ended early, stopping the current iteration and bypassing all remaining iterations.
    • continue: The current iteration of the innermost range loop is stopped, and the loop starts the next iteration.
  • template: Include the output of a named template. See the Nested templates section for more details, and the tmpl namespace for more flexible versions of template.
  • define: Define a named nested template. See the Nested templates section for more details.
  • block: Shorthand for define followed immediately by template.

gomplate functions

gomplate provides over 200 functions not found in the standard library. These are grouped into namespaces, and documented on the following pages: